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Como fazemos
Como fazemos

We combine our experience with your job goals in just three steps


Look for the ideal job

Search for the vacancy that best suits your profile and apply in less than 1 minute and let our recruitment & selection team do the rest.

passo 1


Talk to the job manager

Talk directly to the vacancy manager and demonstrate your technical knowledge and guarantee your vacancy.

passo 2


Get a contract

Sign an international work contract and gain new experiences.

passo 3
Be the next hired member of our team. Don't wait, apply now and start transforming your future!


Stay on top of the latest news

We will update you with the latest important news and information diversifying topics bringing what really matters.
blog 1
Webinar, Plan & live in Portugal

Our Live with the theme "Planning and living in Portugal", where we will address subjects such as types of visas, cost of living in Portugal, available vacancies, incentives and much more. We will tell...

blog 2
Web Summit Rio 2024. iTRecruiter was there!

We are a Talent Acquisition Startup born in Portugal and now also in Brazil. We have an Artificial Intelligence platform that allows us to recruit IT professionals anywhere in the world with agility and assertiveness. Smart Recruiting at your...

blog 3
How to make your resume stand out

Important information to help you make your CV more attractive to your new potential contractor.